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Windshield Repair: Sticks and Stones Will Pad Your Pockets

Take a look around, depending where you live, you will see windshields everywhere that have cracked windshields. This is a serious infraction for the drivers that choose to drive their cars with this type of damage. Not only will they have to pay their ticket, but they will have to immediately resolve the issue whether they have the money saved or not. Think of how much money can be made here. Get your marketing squared up and you\’ll rake in the money hand over fist.

If you live in a state that suffers from hailstorms, then I don\’t have to tell you how much damage they cause. If you live in a state that has pebbles or stones, we all do, then these too can cause damage to the windshield. What\’s worse, if a stone hit your windshield and caused just a little pock mark, it may look just fine for now but can quickly become an issue, especially as the weather turns bitingly cold. The freezing temperature causes the window to fracture causing the spider veins throughout. Just consider for a moment that the car has been outside overnight during one of many snow storms. You now get into the car, throw on the defroster, and the heat from the inside pushes against the sub-zero temperature outside, what results is a little mark turns into a beast with a life of its own.

This is an annoyance to most and they have no choice but to fix it. How much can you make? If it\’s a Retail Client $55, if it\’s a Used Car Dealership so a Wholesale Client $35. Your cost for materials is a mere $1 and it takes as little as 20 minutes to repair. So let\’s say you did three Retail orders, you make $165 minus supplies, you will take home $162. Not bad for an hours worth of work right?

Any questions? Paintless Dent School is here to help.


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